Watch how these strangers rank each other's intelligence and the interesting results.
This will definitely brighten your day. You're welcome.
Here's a special dose of Kanye to start your week and keep you motivated.
Are you trying to manifest love? I'm asked regularly if manifestation really works. Yes, it does. Believe it or not, we are actually manifesting something every minute of the day... good and bad. Manifestation is not only about what you write or speak, it's also about how you feel. How you feel when manifesting something or someone is crucial. Your words, thoughts, actions and feelings all play an important part in bringing your desire from the 5D into the 3D. Visit my SHOP to get your law of attraction items and WATCH the video below to learn what you need to stop doing to manifest what you desire. Stones and Crystals have been used for generations as resources for healing and meditation. A worry stone is oval shaped and is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand or pocket. It usually has a thumb print indented into the stone where you would place your thumb for relaxation and stress relief. Click here to get your Worry Stone today and watch the video below to learn some tips on how to deal with anxiety. 9 practical tips for dealing with anxiety.
Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace.
What do you secretly desire most?
We all desire something because that’s how the human nature is wired. And it's mostly influenced from our childhood, our family or friends, our environment and even social media. Take this short test to see how surprisingly accurate it is.
Do you know your partner's love language or even yours?
Watch to find out your love language and see how CurtRichy breaks it down in a comical way.
(video recorded March 2020 during quarantine)
5 types of love languages:
What is your primary love language?
We live in a world with very little privacy, where anyone or anything can be caught on video and immediately broadcasted to millions in the blink of an eye.. an introvert's worst nightmare.
Introverts are considered shy, reserved or sometimes closed-off, which tend to make them seem unapproachable in the dating world. However, in defense of my shy counterparts, there are some very good qualities about introverts that get overlooked. Grab your introvert cup in my shop and watch this video to learn eight fascinating qualities that make introverts incredibly attractive.
Here are some hot seat questions they are asked:
Disclaimer: The comments and opinions expressed here are from this selected group and they do not speak for the majority. |
DAILY DOSEDaily dose of inspo, tips, how to do's and other fun, cool stuff.
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May 2023
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